As announced in class, I am offering bonus practical projects for those of you who are interested in applying logic to concrete problems and to play with some tools. You can only improve your grade with such a project, but note that sanctions for cheating still apply.
In the second project we are looking at the NuSMV model checker and try to solve two logic puzzles.
You can find the questions sheet in the Project 2 Dropbox, where you shall submit your solutions before the deadline. Note that I've added the model of the mutual exclusion protocol and the model of the Ferryman and The Goat puzzle as seen in the lecture in the a zipped file in the Contents section.
The fourth homework assignment is now available from the Homework 4 Dropbox on ICON. Please download the file along with the team evaluation form and upload your solutions to the same dropbox.
Working in teams of two is highly recommended, but each team should submit only one solution. Each team member must separately fill a team evaluation form and submit it to their dropbox. This evaluation is confidential and will be incorporated into the individual grade.
Please submit your solution before Wednesday, May 6 at 3.30pm.
If you are interested in a second bonus project, stay tuned. I will publish it before the end of this week, it will be due a few days after our final exam.
Because of the deadlines below I will move the second midterm exam one last time, to Monday, April 20.
The third homework will be out this Tuesday and is due back the week after, on Tuesday April 14.
The first bonus project if you decide to take it, is due back on Monday April 14.
Remember you can see all these dates on the Class Schedule.
I have to cancel class this Wednesday April, 1 to attend a project meeting. For this reason, I am moving the second midterm by one week, the new date is April 15.
The sample solutions for the second homework assignment are now available in the content section on ICON.
We will grade your assignments and return them as soon as possible.
As announced in class, I am offering bonus practical projects for those of you who are interested in applying logic to concrete problems and to play with some tools. You can only improve your grade with such a project, but note that sanctions for cheating still apply.
In the first project we are looking at DPLL-based solvers for propositional satisfiability and you will write a solver for Sudoku puzzles. The choice of language is yours, we are using the MiniSat solver. Your task is to encode Sudoku puzzles into a satisfiability problem for propositional logic, and to extract a solution from the output of MiniSat.
You can find the questions sheet in the Project 1 Dropbox on ICON, where you shall submit your solutions before the deadline.
The second Homework assignment is now available from the Homework 2 Dropbox on ICON. Please download the file along with the team evaluation form and upload your solutions to the same dropbox.
Working in teams of two is highly recommended, but each team should submit only one solution. Each team member must separately fill a team evaluation form and submit it to their dropbox. This evaluation is confidential and will be incorporated into the individual grade.
Please submit your solution before Monday, March 23 at 3.30pm.
The Sample Solutions to the first midterm are now available in the contents section on ICON. We will grade your assignments and return them as soon as possible.
Note that the formula in Question 3.2 was mistakenly given as without parentheses, which means it is not semantically equivalent to the negation of the formula in Question 3.1. We are being generous in the grading.
I am moving the planned date for the first midterm exam to March 2 so that we can finish the propositional logic part. The midterm will cover all material up to and including the class the week before, that is February 23.
We are writing the exam in the classroom during class time. You may use the textbook, my notes and any notes you took, but no electronic devices.
As per the official Spring 2015 examination schedule, our final exam will be held on Monday May 11, at 7.30am (again!) in S107 PBB. Please also check your personal exam schedule that you should be receiving in the next few days. If you have a qualifying scheduling conflict, and want to request an accommodation, I need to know by March 1.
The Sample Solutions for the first homework assignment are now available in the contents on ICON section.
We will grade your assignments and return them as soon as possible.
The first homework assignment is now available from the Homework 1 Dropbox on ICON. Please download the file along with the team evaluation form and upload your solutions to the same dropbox.
Working in teams of two is highly recommended, but each team should submit only one solution. Each team member must separately fill a team evaluation form and submit it to their dropbox. This evaluation is confidential and will be incorporated into the individual grade.
Please submit your solution before Wednesday, February 11 at 3.30pm.
Welcome to Logic in Computer Science, Spring 2015. I'm looking forward to seeing you all in class.
Every Monday and Wednesday 3.30pm-4.45pm in 218 MLH
Dr. Christoph Sticksel
Md Hasib Bin Shakur